Eu tu Pradip ??

Woke up this morning.. all excited.. with a true inspiration.. to create.. not a superb culinary creation .. but A BLOG.. all about gourmet and not so gourmet food.. but always garnished with love and culture trivia.. yummmmy!

so here I go..

is my blog going to be much different than all the blogs out there??? Most definitely NO..

there is so much to talk about food and so like Moi, there are going to be many more bloggers along the way.. and I welcome the "competition"... like a true chef.

I implore you to visit my blog often and those of the others !! Believe me.. it can only be good..the moment you stop being curious and learning something new.. it is all over !!


  1. Hi Pradip, if THEY can blog, YOU can too....and that too about your favorite subject. Looking forward to your recipes (with photos and videos). When in doubt, you know whom to ask...of course, Maya.

    You can add me to your 'tasters' group.
    Joseph Ponnoly


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