2016 A "new year" to get healthy

Everyone seems to be serious about it.. getting healthy I mean..at least this month. My goal, to lose a whopping 10 pounds in 6 months.. I am sure my heart will be glad if I succeed..

So my strategy is... well it is a secret (however, I will share it with you) EAT LESS, EAT SLOWLY and BURN OFF as much calories as possible.. sshhhhhh.. now don't share that secret with anyone else. And the most important piece of the strategy??? LOWER MY STRESS LEVELS.. that should take care of all the cortisol and the middle-age BF (or spare-tire if you want to call it that)..Can I go back to size 32 or less from my chunky size 34+ right now? Time will tell. But I am going to give it my best shot. One day and one meal at a time.

I plan to post a few recipes in the upcoming weeks.. hopefully you will find them interesting. See you soon.

In the meantime checkout a friend's blog.. has some awesome diabetic-friendly recipes

