Appam (lacy rice pancakes)

 Appams, lacey rice pancakes are a staple bfast item in the southern parts of India, Sri Lanka etc. Made with a fermented rice batter, these airy pancakes are typically served with many varieties of coconut milk based vegetable, egg, chicken or meat curries. Or a simple sweetened coconut milk sauce will do the trick.

Appam recipe - 1 (this recipe is from my friend Usha Chacko):

4 cups of basmati rice (soaked)
1 cup of cooked rice
2 cups of Maggie coconut milk powder
1tsp of yeast (mixed with water)
Sugar (as needed) 
Salt (as needed) 

Grind rice and cooked rice first. Add water as needed.  Then add rest of the ingredients and grind well. Let the appam batter rise at room temperature. Pour into the wok shaped appa chatti and make thin pancakes.. there are many YT videos that shows how to make these very thin pancakes. Enjoy!

Recipe 2:  (recipe and directions are from my friend Jyothi)

1 cup of rice( i use basmati) 
1 tsp yeast
1/4 c cooked rice. 

Soak rice for 6-7 hrs. Grind to a fine paste. Add yeast also and grind. Add cooked rice and grind smoothly. I use milk to grind the rice. I don't use water.  

After grinding add 1 table spoon of sugar, mix and keep it in a warm oven over night. It should rise nicely. 

In the morning add salt to balance the taste (should not be salty). Add more sugar. I like it on the sweeter side. Thin it with either milk or coconut milk if it's too thick. It should be a thin batter ( thinner than dosa batter).  

Keep for 1 more hour in a warm place. I usually keep it near the stove if I am cooking other stuff... usually I am making the stew in the morning. It should bubble up and rise again. Now the appam is ready to be made in the appachatty.

The softness of the appam relies on how well the batter has risen with lots of bubbles.
